There are hundreds of Pulolyites living in United Kingdom and many of us felt for the past 10 to 15 years that we should form an association here in order to help people living in Puloly who are undergoing several difficulties due to political and social situation prevalent in our motherland. Finally on 2nd September 2006 some ardent members got together and inaugurated Puttalai Maha Vidyalayam Old Students Association.
Our purpose in forming this association is two fold. Firstly help the development of Puttalai Maha Vidyalayam, a school which is situated in the centre of Puloly, which has served the local community for many years as primary school and lately as both primary and secondary school. The school’s contribution in developing many intellectuals, professionals, scholars, and entrepreneurs in their early age is immeasurable. As most of us benefited through the education we received in this school and many other schools in Puloly it was felt that it is our historical task to give back some contribution in whatever means possible. In the long term we will endeavour to help other schools in the area. Secondly, assist and contribute to the development of Puloly.
We also felt that forming such an association will help the second generation to network with wider Tamil community living in United Kingdom and participate in Sports activities held by Tamil Schools Sports Association (TSSA) and other organisations.
The executive committee which was elected in the inaugural meeting invite all those living in United Kingdom who is interested in the development of Puloly or those studied or associated with Puttallai Maha Vidyalayam to come forward and join the association as members and contribute towards a worthy cause. The Executive committee has drafted a constitution; if any prospective member wishes to see the document, please contact one of our committee members.
We also plan to help the community by funding local libraries, community centres, local hospitals, local temples, helping very poor children to continue their education, help orphans, sick people and people suffering from malnutrition and poverty. The initial task is to improve the local library, which is opposite the Puttalai School. We are sure you all used this library, still in our minds, a pitched roof small concrete building between the school and old tobacco industrial yard. The proposed improvements will mainly help the school children as well as our local communities. One of our next projects is to establish a nursery school for 3 to 5year old children. In the long term we have plans to fund small cottage industries and enterprises to create employment and improve the quality of life through various sustainable self-financing projects.
We held our first public event, a cultural concert and dinner at The Archbishop Lanfranc School, Croydon Surrey on 16th December 2006. The main purpose of this event was to bring together all those interested in our objectives. The full details are given in the Progress Report.
Our website gives details about the association, the members list, constitution of the association, the project reports, and quarterly management accounts. The quarterly management accounts can be viewed only by paid members.
We have established a trust committee in Puloly consisting of 5 members to implement and manage the projects. Click on the menu “Trustees” for the details.
There is already an old Students Association for Puttalai School functioning in Canada. The association is mainly functioning to encourage fellowship among Pulolyites. We intend to work together with them and encourage them to get involved in the projects outlined above either independently or collectively.
Finally we appeal to you all not to be spectators in this valuable task we are embarking but to be partners. We invite you to join as a member (£10/year) by completing the membership form (further forms can be downloaded from our website). If you wish to contribute more for our development work you may subscribe a higher amount (a gold member-£20/month, silver member-£10/month or a bronze member-£5/month) and you may do so either by completing a standing order mandate to pay your fees in monthly instalments or by cheque for the full amount. If you wish to sponsor any projects in Puloly you may do so exclusively in your name. The full details of the project and your contribution will be published in the website and details will be displayed/ disclosed to the residents of Puloly.
Executive Committee
Click on this link to open the pdf version of the membership form which can be saved or printed out.
For further information please contact a Committee member or email the committee at committee@puttalaischool.org or use the Contact Us page of this site.